You may decide that you want to see what the network is all about but don’t want to be part of it. This is absolutely fine. Great to see you and hope you enjoy learning more about what is happening globally.
You may decide you would like to be part of the network. Fantastic!! All we ask is that you create a profile to help you search, find and connect with others in this space. In being part of the network, you will have access to additional resources and materials, free-downloads plus the support of a global community. You are free to change your mind at any point and can simply unsubscribe.
You may want a more active role, participating in the call-out for exhibition, writing content, or supporting with events. If this is you please look out for opportunities to be involved, which we will advertise in the news section.
This website creates a platform to bring together the design4health community. It also offers a way for the community to engage in ongoing research enquiries using the exhibition space as a mechanism to build discourse. Our hope is that it could also offer opportunities for partnerships in future research grant applications.