Within art and design, exhibition offers a meeting place, a theatre for conversation where diverse communities and disciplines can come together and engage in discourses that advance understanding.

Similarly, The Global Network uses the virtual exhibition space to stimulate discussion, ask questions and provide a platform for engagement in broader research questions and enquiries.

We will regularly issue a call for submissions (images/film/poetry) around a theme. These will be peer reviewed and curated on the site. On-line webinars will provide a medium for wider discussion and engagement.

Our First Exhibition focuses on the theme of ageing, presenting work and asking questions

Curation Process

We operate under an ethical application that permits us to use this site as a way of understanding Design for Health, the projects and themes you input, the professionals, institutions and organisations operating, the logo choices you make and the discourse and feedback that you provide, as a research project.

We believe that this will help us and help others when it is needed to demonstrate and evidence what the horizon and bigger picture looks like for Design for Health research and practitioners. By including and sharing this with you, we then hope it helps facilitate grants and applications.